
New Haven Unified School District Teacher Appreciation Award

Our office offers the New Haven Teacher's Appreciation award as a way to thank New Haven Unified School District teachers for the wonderful work they do for our community and our children. This year, we split our nominations into parent and student categories with the prompt, "Tell us about a teacher who has gone above and beyond." The winning student nomination was a three page report, single spaced, title page w color graphics, and bound in a presentation folder. Clearly this student was both passionate and inspired by an amazing teacher. I was honored to present a plaque and check for $1000 to Mrs. Rainbow Lobo from Itliong-Vera Cruz Middle School. Congratulations!

Mrs. Rainbow Lobo, a teacher at Itliong-Vera Cruz Middle School, was nominated by a student who wrote a three page, single-spaced nomination letter.

Mrs. Rainbow Lobo, a teacher at Itliong-Vera Cruz Middle School, was nominated by a student who wrote a three page, single-spaced nomination letter.

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Leonard S. Chong Memorial Teacher Appreciation Award

For the last several years, we've offered an annual New Haven Teacher's Appreciation award as a way of thanking our teachers for their invaluable work with our children. Because we received so many heartfelt nominations, my mother, Judy Chong, decided to match our award in my dad's memory. We were honored to present Mrs. Sarita Chawla from Delaine Eastin Elementary with the Leonard S. Chong Memorial Teacher Appreciation award. Besides the plaque presented by the nominating parent, Mrs. Chan, Mrs. Chawla received a check for $1000. Congratulations!

Left: The nominating parent, Mrs. Chan; Mrs. Sarita Chawla; and Dr. Scott Chong

Left: The nominating parent, Mrs. Chan; Mrs. Sarita Chawla; and Dr. Scott Chong

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Office Closed
to Dec 23

Office Closed

Doctor Scott Chong is out of town.  On a limited basis, staff will be available to clip pokey wires and handle minor issues. 

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to Nov 11

Halloween Candy Charity Drive

Donate Halloween Candy at Chong Orthodontics

Trade in sweets n' treats for a good cause!

Chong Orthodontics will buy back your candy for $1 per pound ($5 max) and enter you in a prize raffle for gift cards. All candy will be donated to Hope 4 the Heart. You don't have to be a patient of our practice to participate - All are welcome! 

Below are some of our past lucky winners! 

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Summer Face Kebab Contest

Summer Face Kebab Contest

Take the Doctors on vacation!  Pose with our custom Face Kebabs and email the pictures to:  chongorthodontics1@gmail.com.  We'll post them on Facebook.  Have your friends and family vote by liking your photo.  The picture with the most likes will win an iPad mini!


Check out some of our entries:

And congrats to our winners, Matthew and Nicole!

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My Teacher Rocks Essay Contest
to May 20

My Teacher Rocks Essay Contest

Do you have a teacher who is worth bragging about?  Tell us why your teacher is so special.  If your essay is chosen, you win a pizza party for your class and a special gift for you and your teacher!


Check out the winning classes:


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